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Otkrijte prodajna mjesta
Gosbi Malt



Hairballs removal paste for cats

1 Dostupne veličine pakiranja

50 g

12,50 €


Malt (extract), Vegetable oil and fat (Soybean oil, Sunflower oil), Mono di and tri glycerides of fatty acid (Glycerol mono stearate)

Analitičke komponente

Crude protein 3.0% - Crude fibre 4.0% - Crude fat 48.0% - Crude ash 3.0% - Moisture content 2.5%

Upute za hranjenje

For adult cats. Malta paste is a solution to remove and prevent hairballs in cats. Malta paste contains substances that soften the stools, emulsify the hair and facilitate the hairballs elimination. Administer 2-5 cm of paste, according to the size of the animal, directly into the mouth or mixed with moist feed. It could be administered orally by depositing the recommended dose on either of the front paws or on the muzzle. Water should be available at all times. The minimum storage life means the period during which, under proper storage conditions the feed retains its properties. Keep the tube closed after use. Keep in a dry place and protect from sunlight and heat sources before and after opening. Not for human consumption.

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