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Gosbi Delicat kitten chicken loaf


Kitten chicken loaf

Ovaj recept sa 70% svježe piletine i obogaćen taurinom osigurava vašem mačiću najbolju moguću prehranu, kako bi imao najbolji početak života uz Delicat!

1 Доступные размеры


1,75 €


Piletina (70%), temeljac, lososovo ulje, minerali, proizvodi od kvasca, inulin cikorije, morske alge.

аналитические компоненты

Crude protein: 12%, crude fat: 8%, inorganic matter: 1.5%, crude fiber: 0.3%, moisture: 75%.

Инструкции по применению

Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. After opening, store in the fridge and use within 2 days. Follow the table below to know the recommended daily ration. These amounts are approximate and should be adjusted to the cat's energy needs. Provide always fresh water to your cat.

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