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Gosbi Delicat sterilized chicken loaf


Sterilized chicken loaf

Cu această rețetă de pui poți fi sigur că pisica ta sterilizată primește dieta echilibrată de care are nevoie, alegerea perfectă pentru sănătatea și bunăstarea sa.

1 Tailles disponibles



Chicken (65%), broth, carrot (6%), minerals, yeast products, Plantago seeds (Psyllium), chicory inulin, seaweed.

Composants analytiques

Crude protein: 12%, crude fat: 4%, inorganic matter: 1.5%, crude fiber: 0.8%, moisture: 80%.

Instructions d’utilisation

Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. After opening, store in the fridge and use within 2 days. Follow the table below to know the recommended daily ration. These amounts are approximate and should be adjusted to the cat's energy needs. Provide always fresh water to your cat.

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