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Üzletek megtekintése
Gosbi Plaisirs White Fish


White fish

Complementary wet food for adult dogs.

2 Elérhető kiszerelés

175 g
370 g

2,40 €


White fish (50%), potato.

Analitikai összetevők

Protein 8%, fat content: 0,25%, crude fibres:0,1%, crude ash:0,5%, moisture:85%.

Adagolási javaslat a csomagoláson lévő táblázatban található

Once opened, keep in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days. Administer in different doses combining with Gosbi dry foods. Use the table of recommended daily rations. (The indicated Plaisirs ration replaces up to 50% of the daily ration, the remaining ration must be provided through a complete feed).

Ajánlott termékek

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