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Cat steamed beef

Ukusan recept s govedinom, rajčicama i povrćem koji će vašem mačiću biti neodoljiv. Osim toga, možete biti mirni znajući da će vaš mačić imati koristi od cjelovite prehrane bogate taurinom, bitnim nutrijentom za mačke.

1 Mides disponibles

80 g

1,95 €


Broth*, beef* (45%), dehydrated tomato*, dehydrated broccoli*, salmon oil, mineral substances, yeast products, chicory inulin, seaweed*.

Components analítics

Crude protein: 12%, crude fat: 3%, inorganic matter: 1.5%, crude fiber: 1%, moisture: 80%.

Instruccions d'ús

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. After opening, store in the fridge and use within 2 days. Follow the table below to know the recommended daily allowance. These amounts are approximate and should be adjusted to the cat's energy needs. Always provide fresh water to your cat.

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