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Otkrijte prodajna mjesta
Gosbi Life Croc With Lamb


Croc with lamb

Complete food for adult dogs. Tasty recipe with chicken and lamb as protein sources.

2 Dostupne veličine pakiranja

3 Kg
12 Kg

17,50 €


Chicken meal* (23%), corn, rice, barley, chicken fat, lamb meal* (4%), beet pulp, apple pulp, fish oil, yeasts, minerals.

Analitičke komponente

Crude protein: 24%, crude fat: 11%, inorganic matter: 8%, crude fiber: 2,7%.

Upute za hranjenje

Store in a cool, dry place. See the table below for the recommended daily allowance. These are approximate amounts, so they should be adjusted to meet the energy requirements of the dog. It may contain traces of other ingredients. Ensure your dog has plenty of fresh water available.

Energetski sadržaj

3.560 kcal/kg (NRC 2006a).

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