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Gosbi Anti Aging


Anti aging

With antioxidants, SOD (superoxide dismutase), tocopherols and ascorbic acid to help keep a healthy immune system and minimize physiological oxidative processes.

1 Доступні розміри

70 g

31,90 €


Maltodextrin, Sodium pyrophosphate, Yeast [brewer's yeast], Lupine protein meal, Oil Sunflower, Freeze-dried melon pulp and juice, Palm oil.

аналітичні компоненти

Crude protein 15.9% - Crude fiber 0.8% - Crude fat 4.6% - Crude ash 7.2% - Moisture 3.6%.

Рекомендації щодо годування

For adult cats and dogs. Mix Gosbi AA with your usual food, according to the following daily amount: 1 measure (2g) for every 10Kg of body weight. The product matches better with wet food. In the case of a dry diet, slightly moisten the kibbles to ensure good adhesion of the powder and its complete intake. The minimum shelf life means the period during which, under conditions of proper storage, the food retains its properties. Keep the bottle closed after use. Maintain in a dry place and protect from sunlight and heat sources before and after opening. Not suitable for human consumption.

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