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Gosbi Salmon Oil


Salmon oil

Rich in fatty and unsaturated acids (omega-3, EPA, DHA). Healthy energy source. It provides omega-3, which helps regulate the anti-inflammatory response. Natural source of DHA, essential nutrient in brain development.

2 Dostępne rozmiary

250 ml
1 L

36,90 €


100% coho and atlantic salmon oil (13% omega 3, where min. 5,5% EPA y DHA).

Składniki analityczne

Protein: 0%, fat content: 100%, crude fibres: 0%, crude ash: 0%.

Zalecenia stosowania

Add to daily feed, Dogs 5ml per 10 kg, Cats 2 ml per 4kg. Must be stored away from light.

Wartość energetyczna

896 kcal/100 gr.

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