We currently have different projects based on bottom-up methodology with multifunctional orientation.
What do we do to make an impact at Gosbi?
How do we make an impact in our community?
Animal Respect On Tour
n a van that goes around Spain, this movement looks for the most moving stories and the most interesting projects, and we give them a voice through the Instagram account @animalrespect_ontour.

#DejandoHuella ("Leaving a mark")
Recurring donations

Animal Respect Challenge
Los Adoptadores ("The Adopters") is a web platform active since March 2021 that was born with the aim of giving up the dogs and cats for adoption from the animal shelters with most difficulties. That is why we have designed, planned and executed this web platform as a continuation of the previous annual campaigns Los Adoptores in which all the families that adopted the previous year were rewarded.
In this evolution of our adoption support program, Gosbi takes a proactive role and approaches all families to the animals available in its network of collaborating animal shelters, currently made up of 413 entities spread throughout Spain.
The purpose is to give maximum visibility of the furry friends seeking a family, facilitating their adoption. To achieve the perfect encounter, animals can be sorted from the website by types of pet, proximity of the animal shelter and by their characteristics. Having so many animal profiles on a single website is key for the future adopter to find the animal they are looking for.
Do not hesitate to share it if you know someone who wants to grow his/her family!

Mesa Gosbi ("Gosbi Table")
Mas l’Arbreda