

Keeping our dog refreshed during the summer

Jul 12, 2021

The good weather arrives and along with the summer, comes the heat. It is very important that we take our pets into account, especially during this time of year, as extreme temperatures can be harmful to them.

During the summer months, basic guidelines must be followed to prevent our partner from being too hot or suffering from heat stroke.

  • It is essential that they always have fresh, clean water at their disposal. Keep in mind that it will need to be renewed more frequently than in the colder months.

  • It is advisable not to go out during the hottest times of the day. If we can organize outings and walks before the sun is at its highest or when it begins to go down, it will be much better for our best friend.

  • It is also important to avoid feeding them during the warmest hours. Food will suit them better if they eat at a cooler time of day.

  • It is important that they are always protected from the sun. For this, it will be necessary that they have a covered space that has shade during all hours of the day to be able to keep your pet protected from extreme temperatures.

Once the basic tips to guarantee the well-being of our pets during the hottest months are clear, from Gosbi we want to recommend a trick so that our furry one can cool off in the funnest way: with ice cream for dogs.

Preparing ice cream for our dog during the summer months is a great idea to keep them hydrated and cool. They are very simple to make, and provide key benefits:

  • Hydration and freshness – Your furry one will hydrate in a different and fun way, cooling off is perfect for the hottest days

  • Entertainment and fun – apart from being cool and hydrated, your dog will have a lot of fun and be entertained for a long time

  • Easy preparation – ice cream and popsicle recipes are delicious, and very simple to prepare


There are super simple recipes and other elaborated ones. We will make them out of Gosbi products, since we know that it is a safe bet for our furry ones.

The cube: the simplest of all

The easiest way to give your furry “ice cream” is by freezing water in an ice bucket and giving them the ice cubes. It is very important to put the ice under water for a couple of seconds before giving it, otherwise they could get their tongue stuck in the ice. Ice is not bad for dogs, quite the contrary. They love it and they are hydrated and refreshed.

Ice with kibble

To improve the previous recipe, you can do the same, but adding a croquette of your usual food in each cube. Thus, it will taste better and at the end they will get a prize. As with the cube without kibble, it is important wetting it before giving the dog to avoid accidents.

Very Fresko ice cream

The Fresko range comes with lots of options when making ice cream, since it is wet food, it can be frozen well and eaten like ice cream. One way to serve it is with special ice cream molds, once frozen, we rinse it and give it to the dog without stick, thus preventing them from choking. We can also put Fresko in their favorite interactive toy and put the toy with Fresko directly in the freezer. When we take it out, not only will the food be cold, but the toy will also be cool. They can spend a long time playing.

An ice cream plaisir

With Plaisirs we can also do the same as with Fresko since it is also wet food. Your furry one won’t be able to resist the incredible taste of Plaisir, one of the most appetizing ranges from Gosbi.