
In the face of cases of dogs with inflammatory bowel disease, veterinarians first propose a change in diet. There is a temporary improvement in their health problems because a certain percentage of potentially harmful ingredients are eliminated or replaced.

But this is not an infallible solution, often switching from an ultra-processed food to a more natural one only provides a temporary solution, and in most cases, such problems reappear. Especially relevant are dogs that suffer from leaky gut. When the joints of the intestines are broken, the body’s first response is to release fluid to try to eliminate irritants, which it does through diarrhea, causing an imbalance in its intestinal flora.


Chronic gastrointestinal inflammation is the beginning of food intolerances, because the intestine filters contaminants and partially digested food particles into the body, which causes a lot of problems.

If the intestine allows enough foreign particles to enter, the immune system could perceive that something is attacking the body and to combat the threat, the immune system launches a counterattack, just as it would against any other real danger, such as an infectious agent.

Certain substances in pet feeding are more likely to activate the immune system than others and unfortunately, many times the culprit is the nutrient that carnivorous pets need the most, protein. But it has been shown that reactions to proteins are less serious or disappear when the protein is of quality and minimally processed. For this reason, all meats used in Natsbi recipes have these characteristics, to optimize their nutritional value and help in cases of intolerances and allergies.

Unfortunately, the symptoms do not appear until the gastrointestinal tract is already badly damaged by the inflammation caused by food intolerance. And this means that pets that receive the same food daily for years could not only develop a sensitivity to the source of protein, but also to cereals and vegetables. Certain dog breeds are more sensitive to the harmful effects of cereals on the gut, but since pets do not need starch, most benefit from a low-carb cereal-free diet to prevent intestinal problems.


Veterinarians after diagnosis seek to identify the cause and develop a personalized protocol to identify the specific ingredients that are causing the problem. Also, the evaluation of the microbiota of the dog helps to determine its state of health.

The safest approach, at least during the first months, are natsbi recipes, made with high quality proteins and a reduced list of ingredients, which allows you to control everything that the animal will ingest. Steaming allows to preserve all the nutritional power of the ingredients favoring their digestibility and absorption in the intestine.

It is very important that all suspicious foods are avoided for several months. Animals tend to react to both the main sources of protein and carbohydrates in their diet. In addition to avoiding all problematic foods, it is important to reduce or eliminate unnecessary ingredients (which include dyes, flavorings and preservatives) that can cause food sensitivity and inflammatory problems.

And remember, if your dog takes medications that damage the microbiota (antibiotics, antiparasitic or anti-inflammatory), it is advisable to implement a probiotic treatment for at least one month after his last dose of medication.