The arrival of a puppy at home involves a series of changes and adaptations for both the animal and the rest of the family. From this page, we want to give some tips to make this new situation a pleasant experience. However, check with your veterinarian regarding the health or behavior of your puppy in case of doubt.

The basics

The bed: The puppy needs its own space to feel comfortable at home. A bed in a quiet place and adapted to its size will be the best, and it should be easy to clean as at the beginning we have to anticipate for some hygienic accidents. If the puppy has trouble sleeping in the evenings because it feels lonely or scared, a low-volume radio or the ticking of a clock could help.

Feeder: We recommend stainless steel feeders to be more hygienic and safer. Plastic ones can break and shatter when bitten. Remember that puppies bite everything within their reach when their teeth are coming out.

Toys: Normally a puppy is curious, has strong teeth with which it explores the environment, and bites objects in the house because of curiosity and boredom. Before it falls in love and bites our plinths, the bottoms of the furniture, the phone cord, and a long list of other objects that will end up breaking, the best solution is to satisfy the puppy with toys. Like this we will highly reduce the displeasures by unwanted accidents. Rubber toys are almost indestructible and can last for many years. To avoid the risk of suffocation, choose toys that are twice the size of your puppy’s mouth.

Collar and leash: Although your puppy shouldn’t leave the house during the first days, it is good for it to get used to the collar. This should be adjusted comfortably leaving a space 1 or 2 fingers wide between the collar and the neck.


The food you choose for your puppy during their first year is very important for their growth, health and adult development. The food must be specially thought for puppies to be able to satisfy all their needs.
Puppies are usually playful and burn up a lot of energy with their activity. Up to 4 months in mini breeds and 6 months in medium and large breeds, the dog will eat 3 meals daily. From this age on, 2 meals a day will be enough, always in the same feeder placed in the same place, for the dog to acquire good eating habits. The puppy should always have fresh, clean water available.

It is not easy to determine how much food a dog should eat, as it will depend on the breed, size, age, physiological condition, and physical activity, among other factors. The amount of daily food recommended by the manufacturer should be considered indicative and not strictly applied. We should not limit the food to a puppy except in case of gluttony or if we see it gaining too much fat. It is always preferable for a puppy to weigh a few grams more than less.

Don’t give him leftovers from the table, it’s not suitable for their nutritional needs and could lead to obesity problems in the future.

Health and hygiene

These are brief practical notes on health and hygiene. Your veterinarian will be the best source of information on the health of your pet.

It’s always good to be alert. Here is a list of situations to look out for:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Refuses to drink water.
  • Soft, shapeless poop, diarrhea with or without blood.
  • Persistent vomiting.
  • Irregular breathing.
  • Excessive salivation.
  • Refuses to play or exercise.
  • Scarce or too frequent urination.
  • Lifeless and dull hair.
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain.

It is important in any of these situations to visit your veterinarian.

To prevent possible problems, it is important to maintain good general hygiene. It is good to get the puppy used to brushing its teeth. The aim is to prevent the formation of tufts and the most effective way is with a specific toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs. We recommend brushing their teeth several times a week.

Regular grooming is essential for young dogs, as it not only removes dead hair, dirt, and parasites, but also stimulates the supply of blood to the skin, promoting a healthier and brighter looking coat. Make grooming a pleasant experience and you will quickly learn to stand still or sit quietly, something that will also help you when you visit your vet.

Use specific equipment for grooming the dog, do not use your old brush designed for human hair. At their pet store, they can advise you on what works best for your dog, depending on its hair type.
Regarding bathing, do it only when necessary. Too much washing can remove essential oils from the skin, making it duller and less waterproof. In general, short-haired puppies should be bathed twice a year, while long-haired puppies should be bathed every three months.


Fleas, lice, and intestinal worms are some of the most common parasites that affect puppies. Some transmit serious diseases that can be passed on to puppies, especially younger ones.

For both fleas and ticks, there are many products on the market with different formulas that can be combined to optimize effectiveness. When in doubt, it is always advisable to consult a veterinarian, who will know how to recommend the best product for the area and habitat where the dog lives.

Many puppies are born with internal parasites or become infected after birth. It is important to deworm them regularly during the first six months of life. Your veterinarian can provide you with a broad-spectrum program and antiparasitic that eliminates intestinal parasites safely and effectively, including mites, hookworms, intestinal worms, and tapeworms.

From GOSBI, with these brief tips, we wanted to convey the importance of good care of your puppy, beyond food.

However, you can always send us your questions or queries to from where we can help you in a more personalized way. We promise that we will get back to you soon.

We will be proud and grateful if you choose Gosbi for the new family member.

Just one last tip: Enjoy with your dog!!!