
Main characteristics of the Dobermann

  • Size → medium / large.
  • Weight → Males between 40kg and 45kg, females between 32kg and 35kg.
  • Height → mascles: between 68 and 72 cm, females: between 63 and 68 cm.
  • Life expectancy → 10 to 12 years
  • FCI Classification → Group 2, section 1.


Germany, in the late 19th century, by a tax collector named Louis Dobermann. Dobermann was looking for a dog that was an excellent guardian and companion, and therefore crossed different breeds such as the Pinscher, the Rottweiler and the Manchester Terrier. The breed was improved by other breeders after Dobermann’s death, and today is one of the most popular breeds in the world. Dobermans have been used as police, military, and search and rescue dogs because of their intelligence, bravery, and physical abilities.


The Doberman is a dog breed with an intelligent, courageous and protective personality. They are loyal to their family and have a great desire to please, but they can also be territorial and distrustful of strangers. They need early education and proper socialization to develop their potential as loyal and balanced companions.


The Doberman is generally a healthy dog breed, but like all breeds, they can be prone to certain medical conditions, such as hip dysplasia, heart disease, and skin problems. They may also be sensitive to certain medications and anesthetics. It is important for families to keep their Dobermans at a healthy weight, provide a balanced diet, and conduct regular check-ups with a veterinarian.


Daily exercise to maintain their health and energy, a balanced and controlled diet to prevent overweight, regular attention to their hygiene, such as bathing and brushing their fur, and regular medical check-ups to prevent or treat any health problems.


Their education must be firm and consistent, using positive reinforcement techniques and without using violence or physical punishment. It is important to start education and socialization from an early age, so that they learn to interact adequately with their environment and develop a balanced and controlled behavior. Any aggressive or territorial tendencies must be controlled.


Dobermans are believed to have been used as messenger dogs and as war dogs during World War I. They were trained to carry important messages across battle lines, and it is said that many soldiers have felt more secure with a Doberman by their side.